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About the Recipe
Desserts - Blend Black Currant vinegar 50/50 with Black Currant or concord jam. Drizzle over desserts. Ice cream, cheese cake, lava cake.
Slice a square klondike ice cream sandwich through the middle into 2 open face pieces,
Drizzle Black Currant glaze over top.
Fruit salad. Mix desired fruits in. bowl, raspberries, peaches, grapes, etc. Blend Black Currant vinegar with 20% honey, pour over fruit.
Garden salads, witmixed, greens, olive or avocado oil, goat cheese, feta
Drizzle over grilled pork chop. Drizzle over grilled root vegetables.
½ shot Black Currant, 1 shot vodka, soda water, ice, substitute soda water for Bubbly soda

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